Saturday, February 19, 2011


The Bedbug population is growing and spreading. It has been on the news quite a bit lately, and if you have them, you need to take action to get rid of them. The bedbugs are not going to go away on their own.

They may be in your house, and the next thing that you know, they are sucking your blood, and the blood of your children on a daily basis. This is how they thrive. They multiply very fast, and have to be eradicated as soon as possible.

To Find Out How to Get Rid of BedBugs Now, CLICK HERE

Don't let your little ones get bitten like this.
They can actually get bites all over their little bodies.
Take action now, and get rid of the BedBugs.

How do You Know if You Have Bedbugs?

  • If you notice small itchy-red-raised bite marks or dried blood droplets in a straight line, or in a pattern of three bites, this likely indicates bed bugs. They have fed on you in your sleep. Unlike Mosquito bites, which have no pattern to them, bed bug bites appear uniform and deliberate. If you wake up with these, you need make time to investigate further.
  • Look for small reddish-brown stains, or black pellets about the size of a short grain of rice. You might find them on bed linens, caught in the seams of your mattress or between the mattresses. They may also be on the wall next to the bed or on paper in a bedside trash bin. They may also inhabit other furniture such as a couch or a recliner.
  • You will need to look very closely for these extremely small insects. Bed bugs look like very small, flat, oval, wingless insects. A mature adult is about 1/8 inch long, with six legs and antenna. An adult female is larger than their male counterparts, they lay 1-5 eggs per day and secure them to surfaces using a sticky secreted substance. The bedbugs will range in color from nearly white as juveniles to reddish brown as adults. They come out to feed on blood at night and in the early morning hours. If you see bugs that fit this description, then yes, you do have Bedbugs!